GUS Daily Digest Sun, 30 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 29 Today's Topics: a little ACE problem AMD Interwave Bonus Pack.. :( GUS Daily Digest V21 #26 GUS Daily Digest V21 #27 (2 msgs) GUS Daily Digest V21 #28 (3 msgs) MAXSBOS v.2 mod4win and my gus Origin and GUS support Win95 and the GUS..... Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 11:07:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Joseph Yaw-Chou Sui Subject: a little ACE problem I sold my GUS for a new SB16 last year and regreted it. So I've just bought a ACE and put it in my system with SB16. Can any ACE owner tell me if they are having problems with some of the games that came with the bonus CD. It seems whenever I select ultrasound for both sound fx and music, it either plays the music only or plays both for a second or two and dies out. Some of the Epic games asks for only one card for both sound fx and music, so I'll have to revert to my SB16 or get nothing from my ACE. Here's a list of my configuration: AUTOEXEC.BAT @REM ===== Gravis initialization (4.00) ===== @SET ULTRASND=260,3,3,15,15 @SET ULTRADIR=D:\ULTRASND @D:\ULTRASND\ULTRINIT.EXE -dj @REM ===== Gravis initialization ends ===== SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 SET MIDI=SYNTH:1 MAP:E C:\SB16\DIAGNOSE /S C:\SB16\MIXERSET /P /Q I also have an Adaptec 1520 SCSI controller that uses I/O address 340h. Oh yeah, I tried removing SB16 and use ACE as an stand alone card (yes, I've enabled Jumper2), and it didn't work either. Someone please help... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 00:41:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Ted Ching Subject: AMD Interwave If the Interwave is just a chip that AMD is marketing, I think that Gravis will probably include it on their next version of the GUS, right? Can a rep from Gravis tell us if this is so? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 16:01:43 +0000 () From: "Eric M. Busalacchi" Subject: Bonus Pack.. :( Message-ID: I bought my gus max new in January, and I didn't receive a bonus pack, or a CD. Weird. -- Eric M. Busalacchi - Big brother is watching the net.. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 95 19:52:37 +0300 From: Yossi Oren Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #26 S3M in Windows? Check out the Windows MCI Midas driver ( at various sites). This is a nice gizmo you add via Control Panel and lets you treat S3M and MOD files just like any other media objects. Really amazing from the programmer's point of view. It has special GUS support for accelleration too. Way cool. As for the GUS's poor MIDI (although I'm quite in disagreement with that claim) well, since the GUS has RAM patches (or as the PCMag "Experts" put it it's software-upgradable, like talk about understatement) you could just take the SCC patches and put them for the GUS to use. You could also use a mike and make patches to fit yourself. Now the problem here (and it's a big one) is that you can't take somebody else's patches, because they'd sue you. And you can't make bigger patches, because they won't fit into 1MB. Besides, making patches isn't just playing a note off your piano and into a mike and saving it as a .PAT file - usually patches are made in studios and cost oodles (A.G. licensed the Crystal patch set from Eye&I). Now Gravis is constantly futzing with its patches to make them sound better, quite successfully, and individual GUS owners also make patches, for profit or for free, but since patches cost time and money and you're not paying for the upgrade, the next time I wager we'll see a whole lot of new patches is when the Interwave comes out. Yossi. / The people are with the Golan Heights. Currently serving somewhere in / Politically correct my ass. the Israeli Defense Forces. / Gravis Ultrasound - you'd better buy one --------( "ObKibo" )--------- or I'll hit you (like my slogan?). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 95 20:16:40 +0300 From: Yossi Oren Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #27 About this whole Interwave-GUS-whatever. Maybe AMD doesn't say much about our two-bit joystick maker of a company, but, well, the calling API is the Ultra Sound API, the compatibility with SB and GS is MegaEm (I guess we're probably beta-testing what the Interwave buyers are gonna get - anybody care to root through MEGAEM.EXE for incriminating evidence?), and AG and AMD have strategic licensing deal or whatever - basically Logi doesn't own Gravis anymore, so I guess it means AMD does. In a casual, informal sort of way. If you want Ravenloft to find your GUS, run loadpats BEFORE you run setup. Loadpats enables the AIL32 drivers. Yossi. / The people are with the Golan Heights. Currently serving somewhere in / Politically correct my ass. the Israeli Defense Forces. / Gravis Ultrasound - you'd better buy one --------( "ObKibo" )--------- or I'll hit you (like my slogan?). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 01:18:13 -0300 From: "Jurassic Mark" Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #27 >Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 22:04:47 -0400 (EDT) >From: Pete Kilcullen >Subject: Ravenloft II > >Hi! Ravenloft 2 comes with a "loadpats.exe" and "gus???32.dll" files >which I assume means that it will run in native mode. When I run the >"sound" program for Ravenloft 2, there is no choice for GUS. It gives a >Soundblaster choice; but if I choose SB, it says "not found". What can I >do to get music and sfx for Ravenloft 2?? I guess you'll have to use the old "copy over the drivers" technique. Something I used to do for AIL compliant games that did not support the GUS. Just copy the drivers over, let's say, the SoundBlaster ones. Then go in the install and select SoundBlaster. Run LOADPATS and then run the game. You should be fine. I don't remember the filenames correctly, but copy the digital GUS DLL driver over the SB digital DLL driver and same for the MIDI one. I find that kind of stupid from SSI (is it SSI?) to supply the drivers and loader, but no installation option... Jurassic Mark (Marc Y. Paulin) Mail: - IRC: J-Mark or Markus (In #GUS or #OS/2) /WARPing\ "Microsoft gave us Beta-testing: NautNews |--and--| Windows, IBM gave Intertia Player \GUSsing/ us the whole house" * Press any key to continue... Yeah, but I can't find "any key"!!! * - Survivor of the APICS '93 programming competition controversy - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 11:24:05 -0800 From: ASHLEY Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #28 > From: George > Subject: AMD Interwave announcement on AMD WWW > Thanks to the person who posted the announcement from the WWW site. > But here's where I'm worried - I found nothing in the announcement that > deals with Advanced Gravis other than it being compatible with it. Even > from the quotes above, it seems AMD will be releasing the chip to other > manufacturers. I just hope Advanced Gravis gets a piece of the pie, > perhaps some royalties since I do suppose they helped AMD develop the chip. why would you be worried about this? If (when) AMD produce a wave ASIC thats GUS compatible then: 1) gravis will be able to produce a lower cost card that addresses more ram and is more functional. Isn't this what everyone wants? 2) if other manufacturers produce compatible cards, then likely gus support will be found in more games and other software. whats the downside. gravis will compete on a level playing field? don't they do that already? I'm sure the lic/royalty contract is signed with AMD or else AMD wouldn't have announced the chip. The last thing gravis/forte want to do is charge too high a royalty, that would probably kill it or make it uncompetitive. I just don't see any negatives about the whole AMD deal. ashley parish. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 00:00:33 +1000 (EST) From: Thaddaeus Kong Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #28 > From: (Peter Kowalski) > > 2) Could the reason why the DOS based drivers SBOS and MegaEM aren't > progressing (no insult intended to the programmer, they are fine! But > development never ends...) is because with the end of MS-DOS, the > emulators are no longer needed (with WIN95)? Sure, PC-DOS and all could > use them (i think) but Gravis may think that what's out is all that they > need, and can concentrate on WIN95? Just a thought... I'm probably wrong... Edit IO.SYS of Win 9x to (BootGUI = 0) then tell me that MS-DOS is dead. If Gravis releases Win 9x drivers BEFORE or at the same time as their OS/2 drivers, I'm gonna make it my business to tell everybody to avoid the GUS. -- Thaddaeus Kong I hate people who don't finish their ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 00:05:56 +1000 (EST) From: Thaddaeus Kong Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #28 > > From: Sam > > AMD licensed the technology from Gravis/Forte. They'll have to pay for > this. As far as I know they will still be using all Gravis' software > (drivers, MegaEm, patchmaker, etc) which they will have to pay for too. You have to be kidding! If AMD is STUPID enough to do their "backward compatibility" via software then I hope the InterWave dies quickly. What's next, it will still have the MASSIVE 1 MB RAM (384K more than Bill Gate's PC ];->) for patches? -- Thaddaeus Kong I hate people who don't finish their ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 00:25:23 +0000 () From: "Eric M. Busalacchi" Subject: MAXSBOS v.2 Message-ID: I finally got Magic Carpet and maxsbos running today after two days of trying. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I was impressed with maxsbos. The game actually sounded better then my friends SoundBastard. That's a good deal! :) Just wanted to comment.. -- Eric M. Busalacchi - Big brother is watching the net.. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 00:41:51 -0700 From: (Bo Van Cleave) Subject: mod4win and my gus I just got mod4win v2.0 shareware from wuarchive. It looks real nice and has bunches of interesting features. Only one problem. On my 486slc2/66 it takes over 100% cpu time to play a 28 channel mtm @ 44khz/16bit/stereo. It sounds like the program is using the cpu to do the channel mixing. I thought my gus card was supposed to handle all the channel mixing (that's why I thought it became the demo standard-plus it's fairly cheap)? Anyway, other Windoze mod players slow down when the hd is accessed, is this a bus speed/bottleneck problem. All these damn hardware problems, I would be very greatful for any help or suggestions to the causes of these problems. Thank you. Bo Van Cleave ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 18:16:23 +0100 From: (Damian Scully) Subject: Re: Origin and GUS support >Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 11:11:12-010 >From: (Angel Fern'andez Gonz'alez) > >From: Origin Customer Service >To: "Angel Fern'andez Gonz'alez" >Subject: RE: Gus support >Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 15:08:00 PDT >Message-Id: <> >Encoding: 16 TEXT >X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0 >Status: R > > >There will not be any changes to the sound system on Bioforge to allow the >game to support the GUS. Sorry. > >Chico >Origin PS After reading this message I thought that it would be a good idea to let Origin know that there are a lot of GUS owners out there, so I sent the following message: >Dear Origin, > > I heard that there is not going to be any GUS support in Bioforge, is >this true? I have read a review of the game and it seems very good, but if I >cannot get any sound then I will not buy it. Why do you not include support for >a Sound Card that is far superior to many others? I feel that by not including >Ultrasound support you are losing many potential buyers of your products. > >Damian Scully. The reply was: >Unfortunately, when Bioforge was started they had choosen a sound system >that did not and unfortunately, does not support the GUS cards. So >unfortunately, the GUS is not a supported card with the game. I wish I had >a better answer to give you but unfortunately, I do not. Sorry. Maybe if a few more people who read this digest let Origin know that there are a lot of GUSser's about, they would include support for the GUS in future games. Damian. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 22:43:34 -0400 From: Chris McKillop Subject: Re: Win95 and the GUS..... Mmmm, The multimedia messages in Win95 have changed A LOT since Win3.1, so, if you notice any funny things with the GUS and Win95, it is because you are using Win3.1 drivers that support GUS related system messages that are now being used by the OS. Don't get upset until the REAL drivers come out.... And don't bug Gravis, they just get another company to do it for them.... Chris --------- XORcists, 1B-2A Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo Chris McKillop On SUmmer Work Term.... " " Nice Guy. -The Man That Couldn't Talk ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #29 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).